One of my favorite things is when art and politics and policy and science and caring for the earth all come together. So it’s a thrill for me to be a part of the Los Angeles Public Art Biennial 2016–CURRENT: LA. This year the topic is water. I’m thrilled to be on a panel that includes an astronomer, a policy expert from the Mayor’s office, and a long-time water activist from the Bishop Paiute Tribe who has been tirelessly campaigning for clean water, fair water policies, and preservation of the environment. It’s a group that makes for a great conversation. I have so much to learn from them. And part of the conversation agenda includes the water wars in the Owens Valley–which is something I take on in my play THE CHISERA. Theatre really can be a part of making change.
We’re all in this together, and together, with an exchange of ideas and by truly passionately caring, we can make a better world. I believe that.