Category: Inspiration
Honored To Join These Amazing People in Lower Depth presents…
More news soon, but I’m thrilled to announce that I was one of the playwrights selected to create a short play for Lower Depth Theatre Ensemble’s Pandemic Plays project. The founders and artistic directors of LDTE are a multitalented, dedicated crew with a beautiful mission: “We are a social change…
We Will Be Heard…
I love the message from Playwrights Arena: ‘L.A. Playwrights will be heard again soon.’ Of course, the question is: When? And maybe more interestingly, how? The fact of the matter is that theatre artists haven’t stopped working. Playwrights are still out there, plugging away, hitting deadlines that only barely seem…
Los Angeles Playwrights Are Waiting to be “Close To You” Again….
Playwrights are noted for their unique voices on the page, but singing? Well, that’s another matter entirely. So when artistic director Jon Lawrence Rivera asked a few of those of us who had been produced at Playwrights Arena in LA to sing a song on Zoom, the response was….uh….gulp….uh….really, are…
Antigone X Out in the World
SEVEN goes on the road again…this time in the USA!
PFO….We won!….
Presenting the Work…
GOLDEN – A Few Glimpses
Honored To Join These Amazing People in Lower Depth presents…

More news soon, but I’m thrilled to announce that I was one of the playwrights selected to create a short play for Lower Depth Theatre Ensemble’s Pandemic Plays project. The founders and artistic directors of LDTE are a multitalented, dedicated crew with a beautiful mission: “We are a social change…
We Will Be Heard…

I love the message from Playwrights Arena: ‘L.A. Playwrights will be heard again soon.’ Of course, the question is: When? And maybe more interestingly, how? The fact of the matter is that theatre artists haven’t stopped working. Playwrights are still out there, plugging away, hitting deadlines that only barely seem…
Los Angeles Playwrights Are Waiting to be “Close To You” Again….

Playwrights are noted for their unique voices on the page, but singing? Well, that’s another matter entirely. So when artistic director Jon Lawrence Rivera asked a few of those of us who had been produced at Playwrights Arena in LA to sing a song on Zoom, the response was….uh….gulp….uh….really, are…